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Kendra Perkins

Kendra Perkins

Trello editorial calendar


































As we are uploading blog posts and before we publish, we make sure that all items are checked off the list.Blog post ideas are added as cards to the Incoming list and journey through development stages from left to right across the board until they are published on the blog.Simply add an image or GIF to the card as an attachment and set it as the cover.Your whole team will know that every 'i' and 't' have been crossed for each post by using a checklist for each stage.com to compress their size.Make decision-making process easy when discussing what to push through the pipeline with the Voting Power-Up.The best part about it is that we can easily create or remove lists, try different stages, add more checklists, and keep it evolving to suit our needs.Schedule the blog post according to your editorial calendar. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















How To Create Your Perfect Editorial Calendar With Trello

trello editorial calendar
Image source: img-0.journaldunet.com

We manage a robust editorial calendar without sending emails. Trello is the easy way to manage blog content as a team without pushing back a publish date

Pourquoi tu as besoin d'un planning éditorial ?

trello editorial calendar
Image source: i1.wp.com?resize=1170%252C613&ssl=1

Organize anything, together. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards


Editorial Calendar.

How To Use Trello To Create A Content Calendar — GoLive: Squarespace Website Templates

We don?t! We believe in posting consistently and posting quality over quantity.Making it a priority to post and plan is so important.If you click it, your screen will switch from your board view to a calendar view.Whether it?s been for video tutorials, social media posts, quick guides, or other resources, the thing that?s been going the longest for our brand is our blog.But, that can feel a little overwhelming and people think that they have to be cranking out millions of posts in a short timeframe.It feels so much better than flying by the seat of our pants each day.Follow the instructions here to see how to duplicate checklists in Trello.How To Setup Trello As A Content Calendar Step One: Create A Board And Add A Calendar Power-Up Easy.We also believe in batch working at Go Live HQ, which means we plan out in chunks. Trello For Content Creators.


How To Use Trello For Your Editorial Calendar | Bloom Hustle Grow

This personal data will be used by Bloom Hustle Grow (BHG) and its affiliated businesses for marketing communications, internal analytics, and selling of products.The more I’ve used it the more that board has developed into an overall content strategy board (yet I still call it my editorial calendar).I want to take you on a little tour of the board that started my Trello obsession and probably the Trello board I utilize the most.I never have to search my site for blog posts to share, search for drafts in my Google docs, or wonder if I shared that post yet.It also keeps track of my newsletters and workshops.This card is used for each blog post I produce.I can?t imagine how I would manage all my content without it. ?I will guide you through exactly how I use Trello to plan my year, and then how that plan is translated into action. How I use Trello to create my editorial calendar.

trello editorial calendar
Image source: blog.trello.com?t=1539984522342

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Trello as an Editorial Calendar

trello editorial calendar
Image source: www.keizerlead.com

Organize anything, together. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards

Organize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process..


Trello is what keeps my content strategy organized for my business. My Trello editorial calendar board was the first board I created when I first started using Trello. I can't imagine how I would keep all my content on schedule without it.

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